Sunday, 27 May 2012

Weekend canoe trip to the Boundary Waters

Over Memorial day weekend we went to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area 6 hrs drive north of Minneapolis close to the Canadian border. We had posted the trip on the MN Rovers site and was join by 6 other Rovers for a great weekend in the wilderness. 
The team

Checking the map

Lunch in the sun

Our first night camp from the sea side
Very curious fox, that wouldn't leave our camp site. 
In addition I spottet a bear on the road on my run the morning before we headed out, 
not every day you see that!

Relaxing at the camp fire

Minnesotas state flower Pink Lady's Slipper

Swimming in the sun, but in very cold water

Camp site acrobatics !?

Making pancakes in the rain
Post trip lunch at Betty's Pies

Everybody made it back safe and sound

1 comment:

  1. Uh en bjørn. Scary. Men det ser ud til at ha' været en nice tur. Dejligt I hygger her. Tak for update og gode billeder!
